To drink or not drink those pills, that is the question. You see even if you are a healthy eater, you may still be low on the essential nutrients. Here's when to drink that daily pill.
As far as I can remember I drank vitamins. This dates back to the time my mom told me to chew those Gummy Vites. A few years ago, things changed for me. A large scale study conducted by the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Society Center found that health practice by women does not make a difference with those who don't take vitamins. Vitamins do not reduce the risk of cancer or heart disease or lead to longer lives. So have you been wasting your own hard earned money on something you don't need? You might be - if your diet is complete and already perfectly tuned for your body's nutritional needs. The simple truth is that hardly any of us live in a perfect world and our eating habits are imperfect as well.
Calcium With Vitamin D
In fact, the majority of women don't meet the daily requirements for the important nutrients including calcium, magnesium, folic acid and even Vitamin E. Over time these deficiencies will take a toll on our well being. That's why a simple tweak to your diet might be to conveniently add a multivitamin intake. It's not time consuming, it's inexpensive and it will bridge the gaps between what you need nutritionally. But take note - just a multivitamin is not enough. Depending on your lifestyle - you might need certain minerals and different vitamins not contained in a multivitamin. Regardless, an extra dietary boost of some of this vitamin or minerals can lower your risk of illness, even bump up your energy.